Vintage gay movies blog

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I thought it turned out well over all, base on my shoe string budget. Very happy with the outcome, and I really had no budget for this movie, except for my very limited resources. Its been a long 10 months of editing, and glad that part of it is over, though it was well spent. I edited the film using Final Cut Pro (software). Most of all shots where done with the 50 mm Nikon lens with an adapter for the Canon 7D. I also used two lenses, the Canon 50 mm lens and the Nikon 50 mm lens. I filmed the entire project on my Canon 7D camera over the course of two months. All local Bay Area Actors, whom I had the pleasure to work with last summer. Uncle Vic has a girlfriend named Mercedes, who is played by Solana Crawford. Ruben also has an an Uncle named Vic who is played by Ray Renati. In the film, Ruben is played by Dawson Montoya and Jimmy is played by Jason Lieu. If your having trouble hearing the dialog, please watch on VIMEO and click on this link. RUBEN'S PLACE - ( Use Ear Phones for better sound quality and turn on close captioning option.) A slice of life story about a young man named Ruben, who reconnects with his boyhood friend Jimmy.

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