Repairman gay blowjob stories

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This repairman had to be about 21 or 22 me being 45 he was eye candy. As i got closer to the door I saw this incredible looking guy or should I say boy. 'Finally' I said and made my way to the front door. I was just about to call the company when i heard the truck pull up the drive way. So i decided to take a shower get dress and just wait and watch T.V. My wife left for work at around 8am the repair man was to come between 9am and 12noon. I hate that but atleast I have the day off from work. My wife made an apointment for monday which means I have to stay home and wait all day. The garage door has its own mind it goes up and down on its own and sometimes it doesn't work at all. So I told her to call someone and get the job done. I tried to fix it myself but couldn't get it done. 'The garage door is broke again Bill.' My wife is always yelling about getting the door fixed.

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