Fanart (it includes youtube or amateur animations). 3D is also welcome as long it's official, but it's up to the editors.Ģ- Things that does not go in this thread: It includes cartoons, anime, comics, game art and concept. Strange gay (cuntboys, dickgirls etc) >/d/Ġ media | 1 replies Screenshot Edit Thread NO FANART, NO COLORING, ONLY OFFICIAL MATERIALġ- This thread is for editing still frames from preferably official 2D sources. If you do make a thread post 5-6 images to get the thread going.
When making a new thread check the catalog >/y/catalog to make sure a thread for that series/content doesn't already exist This is an image board so post fullsized images. y/ is for sharing 2D male homosexual NSFW content (sex full nudity etc)